Office Hours

The office is manned from 8:30am – 1:30pm.

If you need to telephone the school could you please try to do so during these hours, so as not to disrupt teaching time in class.

School Opening Hours/Routine:

School is open for instruction from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

Morning break            10:35 – 10:55

Lunch hour                  12:30 – 1:30

Pupils may be dropped off at school from 8:30am onwards, and are to be collected by 3:15pm, unless emergency arrangements have been made with the teaching staff.

Contact Details

Phone:                         07 895 4823
Fax:                              07 895 4853

Email:                          [email protected]

Physical address:       9 Ohorere Street, Owhango

Postal address:           CMB 36, Owhango 3990

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