Parents Information Handbook
The staff of Owhango School have prepared this booklet to outline the school’s current procedures and policies. Please take a few minutes to read it carefully to familiarise yourself with the school’s routines. Use the contents bar to the right to help guide your way through. We hope that you find it a useful source of information. Please retain it for future reference.
The children at Ōwhango School are engaged in our unique, rural environment, are individual in their learning, and strong in experience and success.
Healthy, well-grounded and successful children
Diversity – cultural, adaptable
Environment – balancing natural and manmade
Be inclusive of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
All our students/ākonga will progress and achieve to their highest possible educational potential through quality teaching and learning, safe environments and positive relationships
Make the most of our local environment educating outside of the classroom
As a community hub we encourage community involvement
Staffing 2023
Teaching Staff
Years 0 – 3 (Room 3) Mr Ewan Starkey (Principal) & Mrs Emma Tylee, (Principal Release)
Years 4 – 6 (Room 1) Mrs Theresa Owen
Years 7 – 8 (Room 2) Mrs Jessie Smith & Siobhan McKenna
Ancillary Staff
Office Administrator Mrs Karen Erni (Tuesdays – Fridays 8:30am – 1:30pm)
Teachers’ Aide Mrs Maree Ashcroft
Cleaner Mr Ken Burns
Caretaker Mr Hamish Sinclair
Trudie Wheeler (Chairperson)
Cara O’Donnell (Secretary)
Libby Ogle (Treasurer)
School Opening Hours/Routine
School is open for instruction from 9:00am – 3:00pm
Morning break 10:40 – 11:00
Lunch break 12:30 – 1:30
Pupils may be dropped off at school from 8:30am onwards, (unless by prior arrangement) and are to be collected by 3:15pm, unless emergency arrangements have been made with the teaching staff.
Office Hours
The office is manned from 8:30am – 1:30pm. Tuesday – Fridays. If you need to telephone the school could you please try to do so during these hours, so as not to disrupt teaching time in class.
Contact Details:
Phone 07 895 4823
Email Office [email protected]
Email Principal [email protected]
Please notify the school office in advance if your child is to be absent. This is particularly relevant for children who walk or cycle to school. After teachers have taken the class roll office staff will phone parents to follow up on “unexplained absences”.
After School Arrangements
Children are to be collected by 3:15pm please.
Please ensure that your children’s after school arrangements are clearly known to both your children and the teaching staff. We ask that the following guidelines are closely adhered to:
- It is vital that you notify the school, of any changes to your children’s normal routine arrangements.
- We request that you organise your children’s home arrangements before they leave home in the mornings. We do realise that emergencies do crop up from time to time and we are only too glad to try and be of assistance then. We are trying to eliminate interruptions to the classroom programmes.
- We suggest that children don’t organise after school visits to friends’ houses at the school gates, this eliminates children bringing undue pressure on their own caregivers and their friends’ parents.
We welcome animals on the school grounds but expect you to remove their faeces.
We aim to hold occasional assemblies with each classroom taking it in turn to host. We invite parents and the community; the exact date and times of these are advertised in the newsletter.
Behaviour Management – Positive Behaviour for Learning
Owhango School is a ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning’ School (PB4L). PB4L helps schools to develop a social culture that supports learning and positive behaviour. As part of this we have “Traffic Lights” behaviour plan.
This is an approach that supports our school to create a culture where positive behaviour and learning thrive. Students are taught in very specific terms what behaviours are expected of them and there is a consistent response to behaviours across the school. Behaviour, like other areas of learning, needs to be formally taught.
The emphasis is put on students’ positive behaviours rather than focussing on the negative ones.
At Owhango School we teach the students to stay on “PAR”, where they Participate, Achieve and Respect. We strive to engrain PAR into all aspects of school life.
See Traffic Light Chart for more detail.
Bikes may be ridden to school or home. Bikes may not be ridden on the school grounds between 8:30am and 3:00pm. We have Bike Days during the year where the children can ride their bikes during school time and challenging courses are set up to extend their riding skills. They must wear a bike helmet when riding. when riding.
Birth Certificates
To fulfil the Ministry of Education requirement, you will be requested to produce your child’s birth certificate at the time of enrolment.
If you think your child is being bullied, please contact your class teacher to discuss it. If we are unaware of it, we cannot deal with it. (see also Concerns and Complaints below).
Children are not permitted to bring cell phones or internet connected watches to school. If they are needed before or after school they are to be left in the school office.
Chewing Gum & Sweets
Chewing gum, bubble gum and sweets are not permitted at school.
Concerns and Complaints (For more details ask at the office to see our Complaints Policy)
If you ever have a concern please discuss it with your child’s teacher. Please make an appointment with the teacher to discuss these concerns. The best time to do this is after school, as the teaching staff are usually very busy before school preparing for the day.
Complaints about staff members (except the principal), verbal or written, must be referred directly to the Principal.
Anonymous complaints will not be accepted.
Complaints about the principal must be submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees and signed by the complainant.
Contacting Staff Members
Occasionally emergencies crop up and you may need to contact a staff member at home. We do ask that all other matters are dealt with at school please.
Dangerous Goods
Children must not bring dangerous goods to school.
Dental Therapist
The dental therapists now operate out of a mobile clinic which visits our school. Occasionally you will need extra visits outside these visits and will need to travel to the clinic in Taumarunui.
Contact phone number 0800TALKTEETH.
All fundraising under the school’s name must have the prior approval and authorisation of the school. Please contact the principal to arrange this.
Group Special Education (GSE) & Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) Service
We have access to Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour who are able to provide help and support with learning and behavioural difficulties. If you have any concerns please contact the school.
Check your child’s head regularly for headlice. Should you discover that your child has contracted headlice please notify the school. The Public Health Nurse advised that it is often less expensive to treat by obtaining a prescription through their GP. If you are experiencing any difficulties treating the headlice contact the Public Health, phone 896 0020 ext 24195. We have occasional headlice checks done at school. If you do not wish your child to have their hair checked, please send a note along to school.
Helping At School
We actively encourage parents to become involved with school life. We have an enthusiastic group of parents, grandparents and friends of the school who assist in a voluntary capacity on a regular basis with reading, numeracy, sports tuition, music tuition, making teaching resources, arts and crafts, gardening. Please contact the school if you would like to help out. Another way to help is through our PTA. This group regularly helps with activities and fundraising to support our school’s programme. Please ask at the office about this.
Homework is optional. We believe children should be learning through play or helping around the house when not at school. We would love it if you encouraged your child to read, build, play board or card games, create, explore and investigate while not at school; that can only enhance what we are doing with your child.
Please keep your children home if they are unwell to help halt the spread of infection to others. If they have vomited please keep them away for 24 hours. Please notify the school office if your child is to be absent before 9:00am.
Immunisation Certificates
To fulfil the Ministry of Education requirement, you will be requested to produce your child’s immunisation certificate at the time of enrolment.
We encourage pupils to gain independence at an early age. Junior room pupils in particular benefit greatly from organising their own possessions, e.g. clothing, reading books and lunch boxes.
Year 3 – 8 students must sign the School Computer and Internet Use Agreement and have the signed permission of a parent or caregiver before using the Internet at School.
The children may wear jewellery; however, it is at their own risk of loss or injury. Some sports do not allow certain items to be work due to potential injury.
Keep us up to Date
Please notify the school of any changes of address, telephone (home and work), doctor, and emergency contacts. It is most important that you keep us up to date with any changes affecting your child’s health.
We have a very well resourced school library. All classes make regular visits. The children may get two books out at a time, these books need to be returned before more will be issued. Please check your bookshelves occasionally to ensure that all school books are returned. We occasionally send notes home if a book has been out for too long so that it can be located and returned. We also have regular visits from the mobile library service provided by Taumarunui Library. Children need to complete an application form to lend their books.
Lost Property
Pease ensure that all of your children’s clothing and possessions (pens, pencils etc.) are clearly named. Lost property is kept in a basket outside the office. If all clothing is named it can be quickly returned to its owner. Lost property will be disposed of at the end of each term.
As part of our Healthy Schools programme the only drink permitted at school is water. Foods high in sugar are not permitted (eg sweets). Bought lunches are sometimes available via the PTA in the winter term (term 3), watch out for these in the newsletter.
Occasionally children are required to take medication. Consent forms for staff to administer the medication need to be signed by a parent first. Normally though we would expect sick children to be kept home. Please label your child’s medication clearly, and note any special instructions.
Board are usually held twice a term and PTA meetings on an as-needed basis. They are advertised in the school newsletters. All are most welcome to attend.
All money that is brought to school needs to be taken to the office for the office administrator to collate.
Pupils are not permitted to bring music to school to play, unless it is part of their class programme. Some of today’s popular music contain material that is unsuitable for school. Kids are welcome to sing and play instruments at school.
Weekly newsletters are emailed out on Wednesdays. This is our main method of keeping you up to date with what is happening at school A paper copy is also given to the eldest child to take home. The newsletter is emailed to community members when requested, and posted onto our school website. The most recent newsletters are displayed on a notice board in the corridor.
Parking Outside the School
Please ensure that you park on the same side of the road as the school when collecting or dropping off your children. The Police regularly remind us of the dangers of children running across a road at the school gate to get into cars. Please don’t park over the school entranceway, (marked with large, yellow NP letters) as this needs to be kept clear for emergency services and courier deliveries. Please don’t park over the footpath outside the school or on the school grounds.
Pet Day and Spring Festival
A Pet Day and Spring Festival is held in term four. Details are sent out around that time.
Photocopying and Laminating
The school provides a photocopying and laminating service. Please contact the office for charges.
Physical Education Participation
All pupils will be expected to take part in P.E. activities. If your child is unable to participate due to medical reasons, please notify the school in writing.
Behaviour Managment
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) and PAR
Owhango School is a ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning’ School (PB4L) system. PB4L helps schools to develop a social culture that supports learning and positive behaviour. As part of this we have “Traffic Lights” behaviour plan (see below). This is an approach that supports our school to create a culture where positive behaviour and learning thrive. Students are taught in very specific terms what behaviours are expected of them and there is a consistent response to behaviours across the school. Behaviour, like other areas of learning, needs to be formally taught. The emphasis is put on students’ positive behaviours rather than focussing on the negative ones.
At Owhango School we teach the students to stay on “PAR”, where they Participate, Achieve and Respect. We strive to engrain PAR into all aspects of school life.
See Traffic Light Chart for more detail.
Preschool Preparation Programme
This programme is to ease the transition of children starting primary school for the first time. The programme is split into two parts. The first part takes place after school and involves one visit to the school at 3:15pm. You and your child visit the school for about 30 minutes to meet the teacher and see inside the classroom and surrounding buildings. This familiarises your child with the new and exciting environment.
The second part of the programme happens the month prior to your child’s fifth birthday (or the date that you have chosen to start your child- children do not have to start primary school until they are 6). They attend school for three visits, from 8:45am to 11:00 or 10:30am to 1:30pm or 12:30 to 3:00pm (preferably one of each so they get a sense of a whole day’s programme). This enables your child to socialise with the children and become familiar with class and school routines. A parent, caregiver or suitable adult must remain at the school, but not in the junior room during these visits. If you bring another pre-schooler they must stay with the parent and not come into the class as the additional distraction would not help.
Public Health Nurse
The Public Health Nurses are based at the Taumarunui Hospital. They regularly visit the school. For information or advice ask the school or call them on 896 0020 ext 24195.
Please ensure that your child is at school by 8:50am. Classes begin at 9:00, and the children need time to organise their belongings for the day. Teaching children punctuality is beneficial for their whole life.
Religious Education
Religious instruction is not offered at Owhango School. We have consulted with the school community in deciding whether to provide religious instruction. Owhango School fosters an inclusive school community, and respects staff and students’ right to practice and observe their own faiths and spiritual beliefs.
Reporting to Parents
School reports are issued towards the end of terms 2 and 4. Mid-year interviews are scheduled near the end of term 2 to further discuss the written school report.
Roller Blades, Roller Skates, Ripsticks, Skateboards and Scooters or any other wheeled toys that do not have gears (i.e. not bikes)
These are allowed at school and can be played with during the morning tea bread, and lunch break. Children must wear a cycle helmet and closed in shoes when using them. We support the use of safety pads and wrist guards as well.
Scholastic Books
Students may order books and computer software from Scholastic Books. Brochures are sent out periodically. The school collects reward points from all sales, and uses these points to purchase additional books for the library.
School Fees
Owhango School proudly does not charge school fees. It has joined in the Ministry Donation Scheme. Therefore, we do not charge for any curricula activities. Instead, we make occasional requests for families to assist with working bees at school. We do charge for stationery, uniforms and non-curricula activities such as sports teams and skiing (though this is heavily subsidised by the PTA and Board).
Smoke and Vape Free
The school buildings, grounds and pool surrounds are of smoke free at all times.
We charge for stationery packs at the beginning of the year. Any additional stationery items are provided free of charge during the year. Students are welcome to bring their own items for example felt pens, etc.
To prevent sunburn the school uniform bucket sunhats must be worn outside during the hottest part of terms one and four. Please ensure that your child leaves this at school. We do keep sunscreen at school for the children to use too.
Swimming Pool
We are grateful to our forebears who fundraised and worked hard to build our school pool. Many schools are closing their pools due to the cost of maintaining them. We see the pool as vital to teach swimming to the next generation. We will continue to seek out funding to keep our pool operating and in good order. Swimming pool keys may be purchased from the school office. A key refund is made on the return of the key at the end of the swimming season. Our swimming pool is heated.
Technology (this is temporarily unavailable)
The Year 7 & 8 pupils attend fortnightly technology classes on alternate Thursdays at Taumarunui High School. When they are at the High School students are to stay in the school grounds, to wear our school uniform and to represent our school appropriately.
Toys are allowed at school, however they are brought at your own risk -we discourage children from bringing favourite or expensive toys from home as they can easily get lost or broken.
Tree climbing & Rough play
We allow the children to climb trees and participate in rough play (also known as play fighting). We teach the skills of three points of contact when climbing trees so that if one limb slips, there are three others holding you up. We also teach the difference between rough play – where everyone is happy and laughing and enjoying it, and fighting, where someone is crying or angry. If you do not want your child participating in either of these activities then let us know and we can monitor them.
Please ensure that you return your child’s permission slip to the school office by the due date, so that arrangements can be finalised in good time. We ask that you refrain from making late changes of arrangements, particularly on the actual morning of trips. Offers of transport for school trips are always appreciated. We ask that driver’s offer of transport is for no more children than the number of regulation seat belts available in their vehicle; that they have a current driver’s licence; the vehicle being driven is registered and warranted; and that they do not smoke with children in the car.
Compulsory uniform was introduced at the beginning of term 2 2016 following a thorough parent consultation and vote. Ask at the office for a uniform list or if you have any queries. We ask that you make sure your child is wearing the correct uniform when they come to school . Please clearly name their clothes as they are easily lost otherwise.
Use of School Grounds
The public is able to make use of the school grounds outside of school hours.
Vision and Hearing
All new entrants have their vision and hearing tested in their first year at school. Year 7 children are also tested. Parents are advised if any vision or hearing defects are detected. If you suspect that your child has a hearing problem, let us know and we will refer them for testing.
Water Bottles
Children are encouraged to have a water bottle in class to drink as required.
Your child’s welfare is our concern. Please let us know if there are any factors that might be influencing your child’s behaviour. Any information is treated as confidential.
Working Bees
The School Board sometimes organise working bees. Offers of help are greatly appreciated.
You are Most Welcome!
We have an open door policy at school where you are most welcome. Do pop in from time to time and view our wall displays, to see what the children have been doing recently. Morning tea is at 10:40am, come and join the staff for a cuppa and a chat!

Main Information
A – Z References
- Absences
- After School Arrangements
- Animals
- Assemblies
- Bicycles
- Birth Certificates
- Cellphones
- Chewing Gum & Sweets
- Complaints
- Concerns
- Contacting Staff Members
- Dangerous Goods
- Dental Therapist
- Fundraising
- Group Special Education (GSE) & RTLB Service
- Head Lice
- Helping
- Homework
- Illness
- Immunisation Certificates
- Independence
- Internet
- Jewellery
- Keep Us Up To Date
- Library
- Lunches
- Medications
- Meetings
- Money
- Music and Videos
- Naming Clothing and Possessions
- Newsletters
- Parking Outside The School
- Pet Day and Spring Festival
- Photocopying and Laminating
- Physical Education Participation
- Positive Behaviour For Learning (PB4L)
- Preschool Preparation Programme
- Project Energize
- Public Health Nurse
- Punctuality
- Religious Education
- Reporting To Parents
- Roller Blades, Ripsticks, Skateboards and Scooters
- Scholastic Books
- School Fees
- Smoke Free
- Stationery
- Sunsmart
- Swapping Of Possessions
- Swimming Pool
- Technology (Manual)
- Toys
- Trips
- Uniform
- Use Of School Grounds
- Vision and Hearing
- Water Bottles
- Welfare
- Working Bees
- Sign Off